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Pandemic Loan Outlier Detection and Indicators (PLODI)

PLODI uses machine learning modeling to identify fraud risk factors and rank loans disbursed as part of the US Small Business Administration`s Paycheck Protection Program for regulator review.

Background | Loan Dashboard | Results | Data | Modeling | Architecture | About Us


To support businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Small Business Administration (USA) disbursed $1.2T of loans which were backed by the US government, under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and other loan programs. Due to the rapid pace at which these loans were processed, many normal risk practices were relaxed, and consequently many instances of fraud have been identified with estimates of fraudulent loans ranging from $100B-$200B (Link)1.

In this project, we developed machine learning models to identify risk factors for potentially fraudulent PPP loans and ranked all loans by these risk factors and the potential monetary recovery. This ranking can guide further development for identification of fraud indicators and investigation priority for regulatory agencies, guidance for loan screening for future loan programs, and supports open access to government spending for journalists and interested public individuals

Dashboard for Ranked Loans

(Link Here) Three dashboards are included:

  1. Ranked loan data with key features (Link Here). In this dashbord, we provide two rankings suspicion_rank and suspicion_rank_weighted which are derived from the predicted probability of suspicion and the probability of suspicion interacted with the loan amount. We created a weighted ranking to account for differing loan amounts under the theory that regulators may want to focus on higher value loans for the purposes of maximizing recovery.

  2. Slides with more background information and detail (Link Here)
  3. Data dictionary (Link Here)

Github (Link Here), Dashboard Github (Link Here)

Results & Impact

When using our champion XGBoost model and looking at the most suspicious loans, where we rank loans by top n and run statistics, our model has very strong performance with the top 5-16% of loans getting correctly classified at rates of 98-89% respectively. Given the scale of the PPP loan program and resourcing constraints, machine learning could guide expert review by providing a ranking.


The most important features for our champion model are implied employee pay measures and location. Implied employee pay as measured by pay ratio is the most important feature while geographic information (cd_cat congressional district and SBA office code) are also highly important.


We see that suspect loans, those associated with an DOJ case, have a higher average pay ration compared to non-suspect loans. Pay Ratio is calculated as average_employee_pay to the average pay by NAICs code and state withthin the CBSA data to allow for pay normalization across geography and industry.



Our primary data set consisted of PPP loan data released by the SBA and included approximately 9.1M PPP loans. We utilized USPS address lookup to determine if an applicant’s address was valid under the theory invalid addresses could indicate suspicion. Census data by region and industry was used to determine normalized implied pay for 2019-2021. We reviewed and labeled 108 adjudicated DOJ cases and extracted 614 names yielding 752 unique loans. We assumed that a loan is “suspect” if it’s associated with one of the prosecuted cases.2 Due to licensing and republication concerns, we are only providing links to the original sources.

Primary Data: ~9.1M PPP loans from the SBA (Link here)

Secondary Data:

Modeling & Methodology

We assume a true fraud rate of 8% as estimates range from $70B-$200B of the $1.2T disbursed. All models are trained/tested on ~9.4k loans, via downsampling of the non-case related loans, and assumed to be non-suspect with a train and Test split of 80% and 20% respectively. Given prosecuted cases are positive loan labels but remaining loans are unknown statuse weigh Recall (Sensitivity) and Negative Predictive Value as primary measures for MVP model selection. Based on the results from our test data, we selected XGBoost as our champion model as it outperformed relative to the other supervised and semi-supervised models we tested, which is consistent from prior published outlier detection benchmarks.3 For more information on our model’s test results, please see the presentation linked.


We leveraged AWS and GCP for data cleaning, modelling, and ranking. We then saved our loan level results to an AWS S3 bucket for our dashbord to easily access. To create our dashboard, we opted for a python based framework called Mercury to query and display our champion model results. alt-text-4

About Us

This project was completed in Fall 2023 as part of the UC Berkeley MIDS W210 Session 9 Capstone. The team consists of the followoing UC Berkeley MIDS students

Author Image Sridhar Chadalavada Author Image Crystal Qian Chen
Sridhar Chadalavada Crystal Chen
Author Image Roberto Salvidar Author Image Mike Varner
Roberto Salvidar Mike Varner


We’d like to thank Daniel Aranki and Puya Vahabi, our course instructors, for their excellent guidance and feedback throughout the semester. We also want to thank Dakota Sky Potere-Ramos for working with us to identify and mitigate data privacy and ethics risks. Lastly, the authors of Did FinTech Lenders Facilitate PPP Fraud?, John M. Griffin, Samuel Kruger, and Prateek Mahajan, as many of our engineered features take inspiration from their work.


  1. U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) OIG. (2023, June 17). Covid-19 pandemic EIDL and PPP loan fraud landscape. COVID-19 Pandemic EIDL and PPP Loan Fraud Landscape.
  2. U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Division (2023, August 2023). Fraud Section Enforcement Related to the CARES Act.
  3. Han, S., Hu, X., Huang, H., Jiang, M., & Zhao, Y. (2022). Adbench: Anomaly detection benchmark. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35, 32142-32159.